
What does it mean to "love & thrive"?

Love + Thrive = Growth


Meet Crystal…


Hi! I’m Crystal Haynes, an author, speaker and consultant holding degrees in Legal Studies and Industrial/Organizational Psychology. I’ve studied people personally and professionally— the mannerisms, thought and behavior pattern shifts that lead to emotional and professional stability as well as those that define and maintain toxicity.

Now, I’ve made it my business to help you LOVE & THRIVE, whatever that means to you. Love & Thrive, LLC (L & T, LLC) offers different types of services, along with different depth levels depending on your needs.

To “love and thrive” is the motto of, not only the L & T, LLC brand, but also of your life. To love and to thrive, two things that you need to do to live; instead of just merely existing. The questions are ‘why’ and ‘how’, so let’s answer them together— today!


*Free 15- minute general consultation to identify which service is needed; exclusive of all non-general consultations and plans in “Services” list.

love (initial consultation)

A one-on-one consultation used to gain insight and guide you toward a healthier lifestyle, both emotionally and mentally. [One of two types: 30 Minutes/ 1 Hour]

*No consultation replaces seeing a licensed therapist or psychiatrist.

thrive (initial consultation)

[One of two types: 30 Minutes/ 1 Hour] Consultation interview formatted to help guide you toward your true goals— giving you a clear path toward execution and resources. (*Price is per person. In-person consults are done if in local area of NY, all else may be subject to virtual/telephone consults.)

*No consultation replaces seeing a licensed therapist or psychiatrist.

love: modified self-discovery plan

Every one is different. An individualized plan based on your specifics after consultation will be created. In this plan the goal is to identify parts of your self that will aide in personal growth and overall success.


Starting a business can be daunting, information comes from every direction. A consultation with Crystal can help you narrow your field of focus. This service will help you identify, layout and navigate necessary goals to put you on target. A key benefit is the pointed connection to other professional resources that may be to your advantage.

*Resources are sourced based on industry/individual needs.

mentoring: love and/or thrive

This expanded consultation boasts dedicated one-on-one sessions after initial consultation. These sessions include: personalized goal guides, follow-ups and check-ins, scheduled call-ins, and resource lists, as available.

*Package details available at booking — after initial consult.

workshops & seminars

This service is tailored by request, which includes duration of hours per day, number of days, number of persons and field of service: Love, Thrive or Love & Thrive. Please include “Workshops & Seminars” in the subject line of your email to: BookCrystal@love-thrive.com


When you decide to create your own path, you walk in uncharted territory. Leave footprints that will shape a bright future.
— Crystal Haynes


Let's Chat.

Fill out the information below and let me know how I can help you. In your message please tell me which type of service from those listed that you are interested in.

Love & Thrive, LLC is looking forward to helping you succeed!